My Scholarship entry - Giving back on the road
WORLDWIDE | Saturday, 17 March 2012 | Views [205] | Scholarship Entry
West Sumatra’s capital city (kota) Padang, is located upon the largest of all Indonesia’s 18,000 islands. Sumatra is steeped in drama and history. Heralding from megalithic tribal beginnings; to Buddhist/Hindu empires; Islamic warlords, and the conquests of Iberian nations.
Pirates of the past laid in wait for treasure-laden caravels attempting the infamous Straits of Malacca. Ancient treasure ships lay hidden beneath those murky depths. Indiana Jones would scream with envy!
September 30 2009, an earthquake erupted at a magnitude of 7.9. Over 1,115 lives perished. Many are believed buried beneath the chaotic rubble of once handsome hotels. Cataclysmic disasters are common in Sumatra. For alongside the islands of the Mentawai is a major convergence of tectonic plates. Bukit-Barisan rises out of the west coast. A mountain range of 100 volcanoes (15 are active) its peaks tower to 10,000 feet.
The GFC was a natural disaster of sorts. After fifteen years as a building manager, I was simply let go. Prior to departing I completed a course enabling me to teach English as a second language. Fervently hopeful my previous building knowledge could assist locals by providing myself as a gratis consultant.
Jakarta terminal was a resounding smack to my uninitiated senses. A human wall of Indonesian part-time porters calling out in loud pitched voices. Padang International Airport – a stark contrast; flying over the sylvan beauty of volcanic crater lakes and verdant tropical rainforest.
Met by group of Aussie surfers, sailing for the sublime breaks between Padang and Thailand. Peter, (their skipper), drove me to one of the few functioning hotels in Padang. The manager soon requested that I teach his staff English. My three-month stay of providing lessons and exams, culminated with some hilarious moments. They are a warm, tolerant and generous people. During my last day we all played the first-ever cricket match on Padang Beach. This was an adventure of serendipitous value.
Tags: Travel Writing Scholarship 2012
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