This film is about “La Oroya” an industrial Peruvian town that is located on the Andes at 4000m altitude.
I shouted the material during my four month stay at Peru at the year 2007.
As I was attending a master on Urbanism in Athens, I decided to do my research about “ Oroya”. A town that was created at the area of mines and heavy metallurgic industry and that is unfortunately included within the ten most polluted cities worldwide.
My interest was centered at the way that a big economic interest (at this case the interest of a single company) can determine the existence, the social life and the build environment of one town.
The main challenge I faced is that as I was alone and I had to investigate about the mineral company , I wanted to pass unnoticed. As a result of these conditions and my fear, I regret that I did’t film interviews of people.
I believe that filming is very valiable means of documentation for my field and I want to improve on it. I also hope that a special approach of my experience of research can be valiable for a group doing documentaries.