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Barlig: Philippine's Last Frontier

Northern Philippines

Philippines | Wednesday, June 26, 2013 | 5 photos

I am a photographer and travel writer from the Philippines whose main goal in life is to experience adventure at its best. What could be more exciting than an opportunity to be part of a Greenland expedition.

I have my humble share of explorations in my country, both voyaging into lush forests, immersing with native communities living along pristine shorelines and jungles of my homeland.

I've gone from trekking the second highest peak of our country called the 'Playground of Gods' to visiting rugged islands with natural sea bonsai plants in Northern Philippines.

I've had experience trekking a mossy forest while trying to verify a local tale about a magical quicksand lake that plays hide and seek with travelers. This was in the Mountain Province of my country where mysterious lakes and creatures thrive.

I have more stories and hope to share with you guys if given the chance to participate. I hope to extend my adventures and expertise all the way to Greenland for a once in a lifetime experience.

I am hardworking and always looking for new knowledge. It is adventure I live for and am a true nomadic soul.

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