My Scholarship entry - No worries
USA | Saturday, November 22, 2014 | 5 photos
I’m Luisa,my last name is Cipolla which means ‘Onion”.I love to travel and have always enjoyed it.Until I can remember, I have always been fascinated with the idea of “Being Outside” and “Going Away” so I quickly learned to take advantage of any opportunity that would take me far away, that would make me independent and feel like a stranger.When I was little, my wish was to sleep away from home and as I grew up,I managed to go on my first small journeys...but only now I have understood that if I really want to,I can reaching any of the corners of the Earth.
And photography?Well, photography has always existed for me; whether it was to record memories or my walks in the city,or to photograph myself or other people,the images and the experience never ceases to intrigue and amaze me.Photography is incredible!It allows you to capture poetry,it permits you to trap History,allowing you to stock time that inevitably slips away.
Until now I have always taken photography with me, wouldn't it be wonderful if for a change it were photography to take me with it everywhere?In Italy there is a figure of speech says:“You’re all over the place like an onion” so I must pay tribute to my last name!
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