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Behind the Sun

About obscurity

A little butterfly give a bit of colour to this world

A little butterfly give a bit of colour to this world

I believe that photography is an artistic expression which is even more difficult to master in this day and age, because with just one click you can tell a whole story. The photo can reveal truths, and it can also tell lies, both with equally significant impact!

  A story can define an era, a person... and for me, wildlife photography is a powerful way of taking charge of a message, it enables me to seek, as much as I can, to sensitize people to the natural world.

  My goal is to make it clear to everyone what the real issues are affecting our environment. The thought that I have succeeded in conveying my feelings, even to one person, through one of my photos, gives me one of the greatest satisfactions of my life. I will live my life in the pursuit of passing on this message.

About obscurity

A little butterfly give a bit of colour to this world

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