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Gateway to cultures

My Scholarship entry - A 'place' I have visited

Morocco | Monday, January 14, 2013 | 5 photos

I see in photography more than “just some pixels” or “just a shot”- I see in each of them a door to a world, a step towards something or someone, no matter if it is a professional one, a family photo or just a photo taken on the run while visiting a place. Photography overcomes the idea of passion for me as it has helped me understand the fortune I had of travelling and visiting amazing places, every view of a certain photo unleashing slowly and slowly a bit more of its mystery. I have started with taking photos just for the family albums and it all changed when I got my DSLR, making me understand that my travels now will make more sense to anyone to whom I talk to as the photos themselves tell a story. The passion for photography is not always the easiest one; always having to go the extra mile, accepting risks, respecting the privacy of people, but still getting an in depth view of the culture, accepting critique and seeking constant improvement. For my future, I see photography as one of my ways of creating awareness of events in the world as although we are modern, we seem to lose the will to know more sometimes.

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