NEW ZEALAND | Friday, 6 Jun 2014 | Views [431]
A stream of constant chuckling and childlike giggles flowed from the open Cafe window, like a melody of musical notes to ones favourite classical tune. It was a bumper summers day in Kaikoura for locals and tourists alike and what better way than to ... Read more >
Tags: homemade, lavender farms, nature, tea parties, teapots
NEW ZEALAND | Tuesday, 3 Jun 2014 | Views [351]
The last weather report handed out severe warnings. It warned of high wild winds reaching over 140 kilometres, heavy torrential rain with major flooding and snow down to 400 below sea level. The forecasters expected the storm to cause havoc in certain ... Read more >
Tags: faith, flying domestic, mother nature, new zealand seasons and weather, sunsets
NEW ZEALAND | Saturday, 10 May 2014 | Views [660] | Scholarship Entry
In certain families of New Zealand's 'kiwi iwi' spiritual culture, it is olde tradition to say, "It's a fluke". This is applied to significant 'proverbial chance encounters', like when you bump into someone not seen for years. Suddenly they appear, as ... Read more >
Tags: 2014 Travel Writing Scholarship - Euro Roadtrip