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Tales from the land of the crocodile

My Scholarship entry - A 'place' I have visited

Timor-Leste | Sunday, January 13, 2013 | 5 photos

I am a nomad. I am restless. I have spent my whole life looking for answers and the more I ask, the more I want to know. I had all my dream jobs already and, for some reason,didn’t find them fulfilling. I’ve lived in 6 different countries, in both luxury and super basic conditions,met thousands of people, but I still feel like I have a long way to go. I spent last year living in Timor-Leste.I was working for the UN and chose to, voluntarily, live at an orphanage with 60 wonderful girls. I tried to, everyday, give a little bit more of myself to them,to immerse myself in a country with a lot of fresh scars from its fight for independence.The eyes of its people show sadness, and help understanding what they’ve been through.I tried to do what I could to help ease that – to share everything I could, to share experiences,stories and genuine moments of joy. I was, for 11 months,a Timorese – and I never felt more at home. I do not know what I’ll do next. I just know that,no matter what I do, it will be another intense period, and another crucial step in me becoming the best person I can possibly be. And photography will keep on helping me explain to others how genuine these moments can be.

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