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Movements of a restless soul

My Scholarship entry - The beauty of impermanence

Jordan | Saturday, November 15, 2014 | 5 photos

Photography has always been a big part of my life. My grandfather was a photographic journalist and my mother learnt from him as I have learnt from my mother. Needless to say the house was always filled with photography gear, my mum even she still has all of her negative slides! Over the last year I feel I have really developed my photography and I have also become much more confident and bolder. I have not had any formal training and so I rely on my eye and instinct for my frames and composition. As a classic anthropology major, I enjoy travelling immensely, submerging into new and alternative cultures and trying to pin point and capture their essence through my photos. I am passionate about photography, for selfish reasons but also because I think photography, as an artistic medium, has the ability to make a change - to have impact. It is to me, in the 21st Century, what Academic painting was in the 19th Century. This is why I also believe photographers need to be mindful and responsible. I think my diligent conscience approach to my photography, hard work attitude, eagerness to learn and an ability to make people smile make me a good candidate for this scholarship.§

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