1st and 2nd jan
Writing this a good 2 weeks afterwards and there isnt really anything worth writing but for the sake of keeping it going here we are! Woke up next to Liam on his iPad this morning looking bright and bushy tailed. It was something like 12 o clock, he had been awake for a while but left me sleeping. I felt rotten, like a hangover but without the alcohol the night before. I spent all afternoon in bed, Liam more or less did the same thing really. We both spent some time down in the garden for a change of scenery but didnt leave the hotel at all. Liam went to get us a take away Chinese from one of the restaurants and we had it in bed!
Next morning was our travel day so we were packed and set to get our taxi in the foyer for 9am. The driver was a maniac and did not help our nerves one bit. The time in the airport went by smoothly and rather quick and before we knew it we were on the plane. I slept for maybe an hour or two and then read the whole time. Liam did some sleeping and watched a bunch of stuff on the one player we had rented for the flight. We didnt think about cash so had just enough to buy ourselves a pot noodle kind of thing each for the whole flights we had nothing to drink, they wouldn't let us take anything on the plane even if it was bought in the departure lounge. But we got there soon enough and we were fine.
We met Paula soon after landing, gave her a bottle of wine for getting us and away we went. We spoke the whole way about various stuff and she pointed out things like parts of the city we were driving past.
By the time we got to the house it was about 2am so we all went straight to bed.