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Nicks Big Adventure

iVan woes....

USA | Wednesday, 9 May 2012 | Views [563] | Comments [1]

I have noticed that my readership has dropped steadily for the last few stories. That's my fault, I have not been updating as often and frankly I have been pretty boring. I have been down on my van and that has projected it upon my life. Those things have changed. I have a warrent of fitness for my ride now and the engine problems I do have are not life threatening. Thanks to those who helped me get through my mental anguish these few trying weeks. In a casual conversation with an English couple I found out that they got their van at the same place I did. We agreed that it was a dodgy place. They even though the owners are in jail now. I guess I could confirm on the internet, but I would like to think of them in a cold cell with a broken down bed and a toilet that is not up to standard. That's what they sold me. Wanaka was a great place in the end and I can't wait to pass back through and see the folks here. Winter is really coming down. It's dark early and cold. I got used to SoCal winters where there was no threat of frostbite ever. It's not that bad yet but a boy can dream. So back in the van, cooking good food, and letting go of one problem at a time. I am sure if I find myself at the Side of the road soon I will be back to a bad mood but for now I'm bound to having a better outlook. Next hikes will include a glacier, a high mountain lake, another saddle pass, and some good old hut time. Then the west coast in all of its glory where I will try to do some woofing and fishing. One must stop for me will be welcom flat (?) hut. It's a tough hike but you are rewarded with some hot springs in the end. I'm gonna go get in the ocean now, oh how I have missed the cold ocean. One of my favorite bands says "Always keep the beach in reach" anybody know who? Leave a comment. Pass the word along to your friends, family, and strangers, I will be more entertaining, so keep reading! Go spurs, go clips, and as long as I am out of the country Baylor sports are doing well also. Thanks for the well wishes. If you are down about life, give up everything you find familiar and try something new and strange. You will soon find out that your life was great, and so are you. Pura Vida and Mahalo, Nicholas 

Tags: backpackers car market, happiness, ivan, music




The Beach Boys

  pop May 10, 2012 12:05 PM

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