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Simpler times

My Scholarship entry - Reminders

India | Monday, November 24, 2014 | 5 photos

I take photographs mostly for myself - as a reminder of how simply you can live your life, how little you need to be content, how beauty is around you at all times. It is a choice of whether you find that beauty in the petals of a blossoming flower or in the red, pink peel of an onion skin. I try to capture these not-so-obvious forms of beauty that help me reflect on the importance given to outward appearance. Someday I hope to influence children through my photography - teach them to embrace the beauty that is concealed in everything. After having moved to Tokyo, I realized that here use and throw is the norm; no one really sleeps in public unless drunk; and dogs are taken on walks in prams - in Reminders, I try to look at a life when comfort did not mean luxury and fixing the broken was the norm. Four photos have been taken in India, one in Japan.

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