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Spiritual Rekindlings at The Golden Temple

My Scholarship entry - A 'place' I have visited

India | Saturday, June 29, 2013 | 5 photos

I have been in love with photography for as long as I can remember. For me, a truly good photo or photoset is the inevitable result of good timing and a strong connection between a photographer and their subject. Given the opportunity to go Greenland, I believe I would be able to put together a portfolio that is not only beautiful but meaningful.

For the past four years, I have been traveling and exploring the city I live in (Delhi), and documenting it on my blog. As a result, I have grown as a photographer, traveler, writer and human being. And I continue to grow each day! There are so many things to learn and so much confidence each one builds. But the most important thing that I have learnt so far is how to connect with people and places. I have always loved exploring and listening to stories, and I am perpetually in awe at the world, but it is only through photography that I am able give these feelings a voice.

Despite this, I have had no formal training in photography. With Jason's guidance, I want to work on the more technical aspects of my photographs so that I can truly represent the world I see through my photos. If you give me the opportunity, I know it'll be worth it.

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