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Finding my life

My Scholarship entry - A 'place' I have visited

USA | Monday, January 14, 2013 | 5 photos

I have come very far when it comes to what I would like to do for the rest of my life. Starting as a young girl it was always art but as i matured it began to become more along the lines of neonatal nursing. I began my college life taking nursing classes and just wasn't happy with my everyday nursing. It wasn't until my second year of college when I figured out that nursing just wasn't for me and my heart resided in the art world. I have always loved all mediums of art; from painting, to drawing, photography, and sculpture. I can happily say i am in Rutgers Camden College of Arts and Sciences majoring in Photography. I wake up everyday excited that i finally am doing something i love. It takes me multiple times to receive the best shots, and i wont stop until i know i love the picture. In my mind my photos cannot simply be good, they need to be perfect, they need to tell a story.Every time I step out of my door I can say I always have my camera in hand.

I want to take my photography to the next level. I want to be able to experience something new instead of the four corners I see in New Jersey. Photography is my life now and I want to share that with the world.

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