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Myanmar - The angelic golden Land

The 'real' Myanmar - The vacant golden land

Myanmar | Friday, January 11, 2013 | 5 photos

After completing school I was fortunate enough to stumble across a small pocket of the world some may only experience through the eyes of the media. Having seen for myself the raw world at a young age, I was quick to open my eyes through the viewfinder to share with friends and family, the real world.

Most importantly it was revealed to me how little we are taught in school about the 'real world' and how much our media can spin, to shape the minds of those who are unable to venture beyond their own doorstep to find the truth behind the history and politics we see and hear on the tv and in the newspapers.

As a self-taught photographer, I have learnt from the people and the environment around me. My aim is to continue to travel and capture the world as I see it firsthand. I want to learn until I have exhausted all energy to learn.

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