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I Haven't Been Everywhere But It's On My List I love to travel and experience the world but part of the fun for me is documenting those experiences through photography and writing. Follow along with me and enjoy the ride!

China 2015

We made our way to Yinling temple.  Yinling temple was a massive collection of buildings, prayer halls, and pagodas.  In each hall we went into, there was a large alter area, usually with a large statue of a buddha, and various statues and/or carvings around the outer walls.

CHINA | Monday, 13 July 2015 | Views [130]

We made our way to Yinling temple. Yinling temple was a massive collection of buildings, prayer halls, and pagodas. In each hall we went into, there was a large alter area, usually with a large statue of a buddha, and various statues and/or carvings around the outer walls.

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