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My Scholarship entry - A 'place' I have visited

Turkey | Monday, December 10, 2012 | 5 photos

Being an extrovert, I do not find much difficulty in expressing my ideas to other people. But there is something about telling a story through photography.

One of my biggest inspirations is of course National Geographic. I recently saw a video about Child Bride from NG. The story gave me a pinch at my heart, and left me wondering about what can be done to help. I also noticed that a story being told through photography is so much more powerful than verbal words or written text, you understand it better, and the images stick to your mind! After watching it, I secretly wished that one day I will be a photographer that makes a story known and inspire people through my photos, whether it is about troubles looming in other parts of the world, or about celebration of the beauty of humanity.

That's why this opportunity is special. It's not merely about going to Oman and learn about their culture. But it is more about getting the first-hand lesson and guidance from someone whom I want to be in the future. What better way to learn to swim but to jump in the water and try to swim!

My name is Muryani, and I am a design student wishing to be a photo story-teller that inspires people.

About muryanikasdani

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