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My Scholarship entry - A 'place' I have visited

Singapore | Monday, December 24, 2012 | 5 photos

I am a very passionate learner and am inspired by photographers themselves as much as seeing the work they create and I want to grow as one myself. It's an absolute that I want to travel abroad and take pictures along the way one day. I have recently lost a great mate and my main source of inspiration for photography, his name is Richard Barry, and I have gratefully inherited all of his equipment and want to take on as many photography challenges as possible in my life with his memory in every exposure. He told me I must travel one day. I’d feel proud like this would be for him. I want to jump into any culture or scene and capture the moment or wait for the perfect opportunity as I enjoy many types of photography. Before and right throughout my teenage years I have had a camera close to me but in the last 4 years it has ramped up and becoming more and more a part of me as I moved from Darkrooms to Lightrooms I know this is what I want to do in life.

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