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There are [0] photos and [4] stories about Cambodia

Cambodia's Dark Past

Thursday, 2 Jun 2011 | Views [991]

A school is a place where people can better their lives through education. School can lead to a good job with a good house and a well looked after family. So how does a place of learning turn into one of horror and torture? S-21 in Phnom Penh ... Read more >

Tags: cambodia, depressing, genocide, phnom penh, pol pot, sad, southeast asia, the killing fields, torture, violence

Captivatingly Spectacular Siem Reap

Thursday, 26 May 2011 | Views [811]

Siem Reap has captivated me. I had a feeling it would, after all “OMG, I LOVED it there!” was a common response when I told other travelers where I was going. I can’t even tell you how long this quiet city has been on my MUST SEE list. I’m a sucker for ... Read more >

Tags: angkor wat, buddhism, cambodia, love, monks, siem reap

Leave the Attitude Pack the Humility

Thursday, 26 May 2011 | Views [531]

The word thank-you is a powerful one. It is a word that stretches across land borders and language barriers and yes while it sounds different in different countries it means the same thing. Showing gratitude for something is not culturally exclusive.... Read more >

Tags: golden rule, humility, travel

Love and Hate in Siem Reap

Thursday, 19 May 2011 | Views [973]

Feelings of Love and Hate in Siem Reap I find myself thinking daily of the things I both love and hate in Siem Reap as I walk down its streets. So I thought I'd share some of these feelings! I love the way the tuk tuk drivers in Siem Reap say you’re ... Read more >

Tags: cambodia, siem reap

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