I must admit I was very bummed about not being with my
friends/family for Halloween. However, this Halloween was just as fun! For a
couple weeks now, the 11th and 12th grade girls and I
have been planning my Halloween costume. They decided to dress my as the evil
Indian goddess Kali. I was then supposed to scare the living daylights out of
the kids.
After dinner, the girls rushed me back to their classroom
and started the transformation process. I had no idea what they were doing as
they put black eyeliner all over my eyes, wrapping my saree, teasing my hair,
etc. In the end, I looked positively frightening!
I then proceeded to run around the dining hall and the kids’
dorms dressed as Kali. I have never seen so many scared children in my life.
Kids were screaming, crying, running away, and hiding as I ran through their
dorms. I must admit I had a blast scaring these kids and had a hard time
keeping from laughing as I was running after them. I didn’t think the kids
would get so scared of me…because clearly it was me! I even made some of the
Aunties (the women who take care of the kids) cry! I have never had a scary
costume before so it was quite an exhilarating experience.
After that, the 8th and 12th graders
came to the teachers’ lounge to ‘trick or treat.’ This year we made them work
for their candy by performing a list of dares. Some of the dares included….
drinking a cup of “potion” which consisted of water with vinegar, salt, tamarack,
soy sauce, and lemon; getting a bucket of water poured on your head; imitating
a teacher and volunteer; eating 2 cloves of garlic. It was so fun and the kids
were really into it and dressed up pretty intensely. At the end they got their treats,
but I didn’t get any candy L.
Halloween here at SB was truly different, but a good
different. I thoroughly enjoyed myself.