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My Photo scholarship 2011 entry

Portugal | Wednesday, November 2, 2011 | 5 photos

This photos show a place that means a lot to me, a place full of little moments, little things that make that place magic. The green, the stories and the wild life make every step in there just unforgettable. U should choose me because i dream about photography, about learn about other cultures and most of all I love nature and i know this is a lifetime opportunity to can join all that in a single moment. I wish i could see and share my vision of all the little singularities and the big panoramas that will be on this adventure. I see photography like poetry for the eyes, like a travel machine for all that can't be there. And that is what i want to make every photo i take, make who see it travel to that place and feel what i feel. I hope to see you soon, and share me on my photos.

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