My Photo scholarship 2010 entry
Spain | Monday, September 27, 2010 | 4 photos
Every year, in Holy Week, Andalusia is filled with lots of religious processions every day. Altars and figures of Saints, Jesus, and the Virgin Mary are taken from host houses to the churches where they belong.
These processions may be the opposite to a carnival in mood; they are dark and heavy, you can hear lots of music everywhere, but it might be the heaviest music I've heard any band like these play. People from all ages take part in these events; you can see little kids, young men and old ladies. Each of them has a very specific role in the procession, the young men being those with the hardest part of all: you could watch almost 30 of them carrying the altars and know by the look in their face that those huge objects could weight more than a ton!
At the end of the event the feeling of relieve is a constant among all the attendants. I can say that these processions and that place marked my life forever, as cheesy as it may sound.
Sometimes, I find myself feeling a lot of empathy with many kinds of people, friends, family... even people on the street with whom I don't have any kind of relationship. I think this leads me to take a photo that portrays their feelings, a second of their lives or maybe a secret, without even speaking with them. Maybe it's the combination of their expressions and the place where they are, maybe it's a silent and discreet approach I prefer when taking photos, or maybe it's the inevitable things we let people know somehow.
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