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There are [0] photos and [8] stories about Honduras

i found the boat!

Saturday, 23 Feb 2008 | Views [702]

i did it! i'm a divemaster! woohoo! go me! the last couple weeks have been incredibly hectic, filled with lectures, exams and assisting on courses. as part of the divemaster requirements, you have to pass exams on decompression models, physiology, dive ... Read more >

Tags: Party time

i saw a whale shark!

Monday, 4 Feb 2008 | Views [832] | Comments [3]

the weekend was pretty relaxing as i wasn't assigned to assist on any classes yet. at first, it felt a little strange to not have something specific to do (there is a ton of reading i could be doing), but then i realized i should do what i came here for ... Read more >

Tags: The Great Outdoors

drinking from the fire hose

Friday, 1 Feb 2008 | Views [1076]

the mit undergrad experience has been described as 'drinking from the fire hose' - i started my divemaster course this past monday and it's been pretty crazy thus far. perhaps not up to the fire hose level, but it could be described as 'drinking from ... Read more >

Tags: Work

getting things done on utila

Sunday, 27 Jan 2008 | Views [1292]

since my rescue class ended on thursday, i've had a lull in activity as my divemaster class doesn't start until monday. other than getting some fun dives in on friday and saturday, i've been focusing on getting two things done before the hectic DM program ... Read more >

Tags: Culture

more ill-fated than the ss minnow

Thursday, 24 Jan 2008 | Views [937] | Comments [1]

i passed my rescue diver class today! got to the dive shop at 6.45a to start prepping for our open-water rescue session. my buddy, mark, and i were in charge of putting water, first aid kits, emergency oxygen, floats and the dive flag on the boat. we ... Read more >

Tags: Misadventures

storms and rescues

Tuesday, 22 Jan 2008 | Views [796] | Comments [1]

finished my advanced open water course a few days ago. as we got back on the boat after our second dive, the skies opened up and rain began sheeting down. cold rain. i took a deep breath and went back to take my gear apart. the rain was coming down ... Read more >

Tags: Laughter

first 48 hours on utila

Sunday, 20 Jan 2008 | Views [626]

i've been on utila for a little less than 48 hours and it's been a crazy time. i can't believe i arrived only 2 days ago! it seems like an eternity has passed. after overnighting in la ceiba, caught the 9.30a ferry over to utila. during the ride over, ... Read more >

Tags: Adrenaline

in la ceiba

Thursday, 17 Jan 2008 | Views [780]

long travel day.. the day seemed to be filled with travel in blocks of a few hours interspersed with layovers and brief bursts of travel action - let's see how it went: SEA - dropped off by mom and dad, checked in, 1 hour SEA->DFW - flight, 3.5 ... Read more >

Tags: On the Road



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