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Apprentice Vet.

My Photo scholarship 2011 entry

South Africa | Tuesday, November 8, 2011 | 5 photos

Earlier this year, I was very fortunate to be able to fulfil my childhood dream of visiting Africa. I managed to accomplish my goals of exploring the varied landscapes, immersing myself in the rich culture and observing the abundant wildlife. This trip was made even more special, however, as I was able to integrate my passion for animal health. The tour was specifically designed for aspiring veterinarians and allowed me to experience the roles of veterinarians in wildlife conservation. This collection of photographs depicts one of the most memorable moments during my trip, which I never thought I would witness. As part of a breeding and herd management strategy, we relocated an elephant bull to another part of the game reserve. Photography has enabled me to capture the anxiousness, excitement and sheer magnitude of the operation, while allowing me to look at the moment from a difference perspective. Furthermore, I have been able to relive and reminisce the once in a lifetime experience through my photographs.

I am keen to combine my interests in nature, travel and photography. Consequently, I believe this scholarship would be an amazing opportunity to achieve this, while allowing me to improve my technical skills and knowledge of photography. I am also keen to gain as much photography experience as possible. Ever since returning from my trip, I have been longing to revisit Africa and experience its splendour all over again. I would be thoroughly prepared to embrace the challenges that come part and parcel with the opportunity and would treat them as a vital part of the learning experience.

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