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Mimi's travels A traveller's tale...

My Photo scholarship 2010 entry

Worldwide | Wednesday, October 6, 2010 | 5 photos

I love to travel and apart from the wonderful experiences that travelling alone allows you, I also love the moment when I come back home and show the photos that I have taken during my time abroad.

I love to share the moments that touched me or inspired me and the people, animals, landscapes or landmarks, that will be registered in my mind as a representation of that place.

My holidays in China were exactly that, a good excuse for the exploration of a different culture and a myriad of photo opportunities.

Being able to convey what I saw, heard or smelled through a still picture is something that motivates me to take my camera everywhere I go, or more accuratelly, go anywhere my camera takes me.

I would love to have the opportunity to be able to work with a professional photographer and improve my skills in order to take my photography to a professional level.
This scolarship is perfect opportunity to do so in the perfect and still not so known paradise of Bhutan.

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