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My Scholarship entry - A 'place' I have visited

Indonesia | Wednesday, January 2, 2013 | 5 photos

I'm a university student majoring Visual Communication Design, and I think this scholarship is quite relevant to my study and my passion. I believe I deserve to be chosen because I have passion in photography and I want and still need to learn about it from others. I think networking with a community like this is the most important thing to share and get a lot of knowledge, so why shouldn't I join? Beside, I love adventure, watching and enjoying various cultures, taking snapshots while walking away in a new place. I think when it comes to 'love' to photography, you will do anything to have every moments around you that will never be repeated the same. Like this scholarship, I don't want to miss a thing being mentored and have the experience with the professionals in photography field, in a new amazing place for me that I have never gone there before. I really want this because I do want to join and work with National Geographic Channel’s team in my country Indonesia, so teach me. You can count me :)

Thank you!


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