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Varanasi, India

My Photo scholarship 2010 entry

The cremation is an expensive ceremony for the millions that live below the poverty line in India. Throughout the continent Hindus work into their old age to afford this, budgeting the travel of their ailing selves or the transport of their deceased body, as well as enough wood to complete the cremation. (These colourful women in Rajasthan dream of such an honourable farewell, joking that they’ll come back as dogs in the next life to bite their sons if they don’t see to it.)

WORLDWIDE | Tuesday, 12 October 2010 | Views [122]

The cremation is an expensive ceremony for the millions that live below the poverty line in India. Throughout the continent Hindus work into their old age to afford this, budgeting the travel of their ailing selves or the transport of their deceased body, as well as enough wood to complete the cremation. (These colourful women in Rajasthan dream of such an honourable farewell, joking that they’ll come back as dogs in the next life to bite their sons if they don’t see to it.)

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