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exploring the Maya

The Aura

HONDURAS | Sunday, 12 September 2010 | Views [279]

The Aura

     With the journey’s end drawing near. The decision to visit Copan hardened. We descended from the high lake and arranged transport bound for Honduras. Through the following day, we traversed the highlands of Guatemala, east, towards the great city of Copan. Even with a sound awareness of the Highland Maya, one can never estimate the experience.

     Our arrival, after dusk, provided an opportunity to explore Copan Ruinas, a town outside the ancient acropolis, obtain lodging and ponder our dawn trek into the past.

     Our walk into the countryside revealed stele along the path. We were walking into a great city of antiquity, one with aura and one with profound presence. As an artist, and student of Mesoamerican art history, I was overwhelmed by the amount of information projected from the structures. My expectations for the profound visual experience stood exceeded.

     This experience yields endless textures to savoir, dancing with the patinas aged through time. The corresponding space draped the arborous acropolis as macaws glided through the city. This is a space rich with artistic and historical information. It calls for furthered reverence and furthered investigation. Moreover, it completed the journey through climax. Everything that followed during the journey appeared minute. It was perfect and it was profound.  

Tags: copan

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