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AUSTRALIA | Monday, 5 May 2014 | Views [101] | Scholarship Entry

My dad is an engineer so for as long as I can remember I've been packing and unpacking myself into new homes, new cities, new neighborhoods and new countries. You could say my love for travel is solely because of my father, but it certainly did not start that way. His job has taken us to all corners of the globe - America (where I was born but have lived in many different states), South America, Jamaica and last (but certainly not least) Australia. I was only 13 when we made the move so naturally I boycotted my father for moving all 8 of us (two parents and 6 children) to a country where supposedly people rode kangaroos to school. We spent our first 2 years in a small mining town, Nhulunby/Gove and while I was proven wrong about the means of transport, all my other expectations were met. Moving from the city of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania I felt like a sore thumb in the small town of only around 4,000 people but it was shortly lived. We moved to Brisbane as I was entering year 11 so again I boycotted - "how dare my father move me at such a socially important part of my life to better his career and our family!" *face palms*... fast forward 5 years and I am still living in Brisbane studying my dream degree while my parents and two youngest sisters live over in Perth, of course. Living in all those other countries were an amazing experience to say the least but Australia takes the cake, no questions asked. Looking back I wish I appreciated the other places I had lived more and not wasted my time and energy being a stubborn teenager. How many 20 year olds can say they've lived in 4 different countries? I have friends who have never lived anywhere but Brisbane or even LEFT the country. That is so foreign and bizarre to me and I am BEYOND grateful to my parents for taking us around the globe to experience living in different cultures. I often ask myself "how did I end up here" and always answer with the same question - because I have an awesome dad who has an awesome job that allows him to share his travel experience with his massive family. I can only hope one day I am as lucky as he has been.

Tags: 2014 Travel Writing Scholarship - Euro Roadtrip

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