So now that I'm getting ready to leave Mount Maunganui I better catch you up on what I left out between Thanksgiving and today!
When I got back from Motiti Island Thanksgiving was less than a week away! I decided I was going to show everyone a real American Thanksgiving so food was bought and plans were made for a huge celebration at the hostel! Here is a little video I put together to show you what it was all about!
Thanksgiving In the Mount!
After Thanksgiving we had some serious beach time, hanging out in hot pools, trips to waterfalls...
(holding some shells and kissing the starfish on my shoulder I just collected)
(Waterfall in Te Puke)
(hot pools right beneath Mount Maunganui and down the street from where we lived!)
and started apartment hunting! After weeks of searching we realized that looking for a room was easier than finding a place that would let 5 or more backpackers stay! Andre and I found a great room in a house with a fantastic woman named Nicky complete with cute 10 year old twins and 2 adorable kittens.
(Cornflake getting cozy with Andre)
We have the whole bottom level and the best part is, just when we thought we'd have to separate from our friends Caitlin and Tyler, they happened to get the other room!
From then on I began working hard, almost 7 days a week between Yumm and Mount Backpackers. When Andre and I had days off we took some day trips. One day we spent the whole morning at the beach and then went to Whakatane and a beautiful beach town called Ohope. Here are some highlights!
Another day we went with our housemates to Rotorua to enjoy the Polynesian Spa!
While we were disappointed in the rainy weather we soon realized it was the perfect day for sitting in pools of steaming hot water!
When we're not working and traveling we like to hang out with friends or enjoy the beautiful sunsets here! :)
(view from our backyard)
(Pilot Bay)
So now, fast forward to today where we will be leaving the mount in less than a week! Andre needs to find more work and I am excited to see new places so we've decided to do a little WWOOFing and head to Hastings where we will be apple picking for 5-6 weeks before heading back to Australia!!! While WWOOFing we will be staying in the homes of Kiwis getting food and accommodation in return for a few hours of work on their farm, garden or wherever they need us!
But the most exciting part of this new adventure is being able to share it with someone special. I never thought I would find someone to share my love of travel with, making the trip all the more enjoyable! Can't wait to share more stories with you soon! TTFN!