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Let's Go Saaaaaillling...

in the bermuda triangle...

BERMUDA | Friday, 23 May 2008 | Views [583] | Comments [2]

first: sorry to ashley if a lot of this post looks familiar.  the email i sent you was a good summary, so i reused it here!! hahah!!
well, i'm in the bermuda triangle!!! i'll probably be here until mid-june, and then i believe we're starting our new england/canada run...but i'm not entirely sure.  i need to get shipping addresses from our production manager....communication is a bit slow here. :o)
the cast is ever-changing, it seems.  we got april as a replacement to marisa in the end of april in nashville.  she's our dance captain now, and a great person to be around. we like her lots. :o)  daniel replaced jason after we got on the ship. this will be his fourth contract, the third on the majesty.  he's done large chunks of both these shows before.  (they are both newly revamped shows, so that was a big blessing).  his experience is great to have in the cast, as we're all (with the exception of april) cruise ship rookies.  rochelle will be coming to replace lucy on the 31st...very sad.  we've all gotten very close to lucy---she's grown so much!!  but it will be all right.
i love you all lots and lots and appreciate your prayers!! haha--i want to take a picture of some of the costumes i have to wear--they are RIDICULOUS!! i sing 'hey mickey' in the equivalent of a judy jetson hoop skirt.  haha!  but company's trained me well.  i will wear whatever they want, as long as i am covered. :o) tee hee!! some of the costume changes are manic-fast---makes me think of show choir days.  the most annoying part is changing character heels while wearing fishnets...so hard to not get caught.  we're thinking of renovating the buckle to elastic.
anyway, i had a first--my first taste of champagne! wow--absolutely disgusting.  no desire to do that again.  haha! it was our company mananger/fellow dancer's 23rd birthday.  
aaaaaaaaand:  i have my own room...and it has a BAY WINDOW!!!! amazing.  i have  a tv and dvd player, and a fridge, and a guy who comes and empties my trash and cleans my towels and sheets!! his name is katut and is from indonesia.  he's very nice, but doesn't understand english all that well. haha!! :o)
the schedule's been crazy---starting rehearsal at 10 or 11 and ending at 2, bc that's when we can get in the theatre.  wow.  good thing i just came from college and am mostly used to that whole concept!!
also, somehow our band was missing a few parts. so i cranked out a bass guitar part and a trumpet part for three of the sections of our broadway show.  keeps me sharp!!  i'm glad it was those parts...instruments i am the most familiar with!!  
opening night was last saturday with our five-minute teaser show... "your night of stars/a cruise of wonder, here you are / your night of stars / just wish upon a star tonight...."  yeah.  HAHAHAHA. :o)
monday was our broadway shows (2), and they both went GREAT. 2nd show got a standing ovation and a great response. we do our pop/rock radio show tomorrow night for the first time--i tell you what, dancing on stage that is MOVING is very weird.  our shows are all on sea days, so when the boat moves, so does the stage.  it hasn't bothered me sick-wise, yet, however.  it's like being inside an rv while going down the road.  or going through a bit of off-roading, at times.  a wave hit deck 5 (of 10) today.  felt like we hit a whale.  (gotta be careful who you joke that too, though...the guests will believe you!! hahahahah!)
the production team (choreographers, costumers, production managers, audio engineers) leave on saturday.  we'll have more time to ourselves...hopefully meaning more time to contact you all and write postcards!! SOOOOOOO, send me your postal address if you want!!
i'll post pictures as soon as i take a few good ones. :o)
love love love!!
~megan :o)




I am sensing a little deja vu... haha, but you added a little more juice, so you kept me entertained. :)

Love you!

  Ashley May 24, 2008 1:42 PM


It sounds like you are quite the entertainer on the ship. I think it is great that you are 'blogging' your experiences, and I hope you'll post often. I'll be subscribing to your RSS feed.

  David Cintron Jun 7, 2008 12:21 PM

About meganlouise86

sorry, i just needed to throw this in a gallery so i could use it for the 'profile pic.' whatev.  enjoy! haha.

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