Newest word in Quichua. Whats your name?
YO YO YOOOOO! Newest events will be posted now but in a rapid rush hurry because my nails are really long and its quite bothersome to be typing.
story one. little boy with mental problem named jovannie broke into the child center yesterday afternoon with some buddies and stole stuff. same day. dad beat him with a stick and some stinging plant called ortiga. other teachers say this is normal. ouch.
other teacher Segundo out today witha brain ache. He is really great with the kids and speaks quichua so it was sad and difficult without him today. but, we managed to get all the kids to poop in thier pants outside the small little shack of a classroom. great.
ah, the kids are so adorable. one little boy, johel, is always pooping and peeing and hiding behind bushes. its kind of crazy, but he is my favorite. he always sags his tiny pants and his buttcrack shows. Gorzek thinks he looks like a mini homeless ecuadorian man.
other stories. we did some mountain hiking saw some sweet stuff. tonight to a andean music concert at LA JAMPA. tomorrow to the wedding! I bought a shirt today,,, what a rip off. BUT, everything here is made for little people so i couldnt afford to be picky.
ah, so many more good stories that i can not think of! will write more after I cut my nails. LOVE LOVE LOVOOVOVOVOVOE! HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAVID MAZZEO IN 2 DAYS YOU ARE THE COOLEST AWESOMEEST BROTHER! CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR SMARTNESS ON ACTs u little smarty. LOVE YOU BIRTHDAY!