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I'm busy studying.. News, stories, and experiences of my summer in Europe

Kutna Hora and more..

CZECH REPUBLIC | Tuesday, 3 July 2007 | Views [653]

Well it’s been a busy last few days; I finally have a day off! It's nice to just relax and take a break...catch up on sleep and sober up....I'll fill you in about the weekend--

Friday we went on a trip to Kutna Hora, it’s a fairly small town about an hour away from Prague. It was a cool little town with some even cooler sights. We first went down into what used to be silver mine. We donned out white coats and hard hats, grabbed a huge flashlight thing and climbed down a billion stairs. About 20 of us went in a group with a wicked hot tour guide haha. It was pretty funny down in the mine, the tunnels are about 5ft high sometimes shorter, and reallllly narrow. I bashed my head on the roof no joke easily 20 times..Thank god I had that hardhat on. The best part was watching some of the "larger" members of our group try to fit through these tunnels...priceless. We then went to another Cathedral-we do that a lot...then off to the bone church. It was a decent sized church...with 30,000 thousand people’s bones in it as the decorations. So freaking creepy. There were chandeliers, coat of arms, huge pyramid things and just bones everywhere. It was freaking creepy (did I mention that) I added a few pics. Some of the bones had holes in the skulls from wars, and a lot of the bones were from the black plague...sweet. It’s hard to describe how it was, its one of those you have to be there things. blech. Then back home.

Ha that night was one to remember...well I remember most. Best part was coming back and calling Aud. haha I think she talked to everyone of my flat mates and she just laughed at us the whole time.

Sunday July 1- I had a photo safari for my visual class then we went to Kost Castle, about an hour drive. It was cool, think of a castle in your head and that’s what this was. Had the big walls and towers and such. Had a torture room where there was all this torture stuff on display that was used way back when. Pretty gross, and sounds damn painful. It was a cool place to see, but doesn’t really rank that highly compared to the other sights I’ve seen. Did nothing after we got back because I knew Monday was going to be a long day.

Monday July 2- Long freaking day, but I think a lot of that is due to the fact that I had classes. 8:30am we had to go to the courthouse and watch some of a trial. It was cool to see how their system worked, but I couldn’t understand what was going on...it was all in the impossible Czech language. After court I went to class for three hours, two hour break and back to class for another three.

O man was last night interesting! Eva, our tour guide person, who does everything for us...classroom stuff, trips, housing...she’s just awesome. Well it was her birthday yesterday...and she made the mistake of going out with us. My guess is she is early 30's, but does not act it at all. Because she was going out with us, EVERYONE came out, including my professor who I took shots with haha. It was quite a night to say the least.

Being July 2nd it hit me that I only have a month left here as I fly back Aug 2nd. That freaking sucks, it is amazing here! I already dread going home. Yeah it'll be good to see the fam, aud, and friends that I obviously will not be seeing till then, but I will miss this place.

Today, July 3rd- Like I said, not doing much of anything. I need to go to the grocery store again...always an experience, and I have some reading and work to do. JULY 4TH TOMORROW! Pretty excited about that...wait, not that much, I’m not in the US. Haha there is a local restaurant owned by an American and they are having a BBQ and party there, so I will definitely be hitting that up.

Remember feel free to call me here at (914)410-6616, it’s a NYC # so it won’t be long distance. I can share stories that I shouldn’t write on here.

Added more pics..Its hard to select which ones to add. I have well over 300 already!

Haha peace out- I’m going to go get a gyro...mmmm


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