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I Miss Tacos Already

About maxvedder

Graduated college and now what to do? Get married, find careers, and become a baby factory? Yes, but not yet. We decided to see the world a bit first. Our last great oppurtunity with no responsibilities. After a year and a half living in garages (urban camping), scrimping and saving from Starbucks (Hilary could make you a low fat triple whipped cappucino soy latte with her eyes closed) and designing landscapes we are ready for our lives greatest adventure. We'll be exploring South East Asia wih no itinerary and no particular place to go. We hope to eventually get settled, find jobs, and become part of "the community". "I Miss Tacos Already" is named for the pain of leaving behind our one great love: cheap and dirty Mexican food. Oh and our friends and family. We want this blog to be a way to reach family and friends, but more importantly a place for you to view and live your lives vicariously through ours.


Love Hilary and Max (and Dogfood)

My Travel Map: