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Tualang Tulang

My Scholarship entry - Dieng. A 'place' I have visited

The legend said that the dreadlocks kid was the incarnation of Kyai Kolodete is regarded as the founder of Dieng. Their dreads formed naturally and not genetic problems that can be passed down from generation to generation.

INDONESIA | Monday, 14 January 2013 | Views [1280] | View Larger Image

The legend said that the dreadlocks kid was the incarnation of Kyai Kolodete is regarded as the founder of Dieng. Their dreads formed naturally and not genetic problems that can be passed down from generation to generation. "Shaving dreads having to go through a Ruwatan." Said local people. It should not be carelessly shaved. If carelessly, dreads it grows back and getting more dreads.

Tags: travel photography scholarship 2012

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