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Character building in Bolivia

BOLIVIA | Saturday, 2 Feb 2008 | Views [1475] | Comments [2]

So it was after our lengthy stay in Valpo that we made our way up to the top of Chile into San Pedro de Atacama, an oasis in the driest desert in the world.  It was a charming little town, completely kitted out for tourists (save for the atms which ... Read more >

Tags: Misadventures


CHILE | Friday, 4 Jan 2008 | Views [427] | Comments [1]

Christmas for us this year was very different to what we would have at home! We were so lucky to be introduced to Nestor, a friend of Ethan's. Nestor is from Santiago and is now a very good friend of ours too! He showed us around the city and took us ... Read more >

Tags: Party time


ARGENTINA | Friday, 4 Jan 2008 | Views [505]

After another 40+ hours in aeroplanes and airports, we finally arrived in South America. First stop: Buenos Aires (BA), Argentina! We spent almost a week in BA, dividing our time between San Telmo in the South and Palermo in the North. San Telmo is one ... Read more >

Tags: The Great Outdoors

Scoping out Switzerland

SWITZERLAND | Friday, 4 Jan 2008 | Views [501]

We spent our last five days in Europe in stunning Switzerland, the place that Marts is going to call home come 2009. As most of you know I have accepted a post-doc position in Lausanne and although I had already visited the lab during my post-doc tour, ... Read more >

Tags: The Planning Phase

Magical Morocco

MOROCCO | Friday, 4 Jan 2008 | Views [523]

We found ourselves with a bit of time up our sleeves in Spain, so we decided to hop over to Africa for a taste of Morocco! We flew into Marrakech, spending our first night in a beautiful 4 star riad. The next day we moved to a cheaper option, but we ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures


SPAIN | Friday, 4 Jan 2008 | Views [563]

Well, if you're regular readers of our blog, you've probably noticed that our updates have been not so regular lately! But let us fill you in a some of our travel tales from Spain, the country that never sleeps and, in my opinion, must be a little malnourished ... Read more >

Tags: On the Road


ITALY | Wednesday, 12 Dec 2007 | Views [688]

Rome deserves a story to itself as it was one of our favourite cities in all of Europe! It's just amazing, this place has so much history. Everywhere you go there is evidence of ruins or a beautiful monument. Our hotel was in a fantastic spot, just around ... Read more >

Tags: Culture

Sailing in Croatia

ITALY | Tuesday, 6 Nov 2007 | Views [1483] | Comments [2]

We arrived in beautiful Dubrovnik after our brief stoppover in Stuttgart (good pretzels and schnitzel and a high proportion of he-shes) and were rapt to feel the warm evening air.  Our apartment was gorgeous, overlooking the sea with a balcony to boot.... Read more >

Tags: Sightseeing

Bella Italia

ITALY | Tuesday, 6 Nov 2007 | Views [711] | Comments [1]

After a very rough overnight ferry trip from Croatia, we arrived safely in Italy! My Mum and her partner (Robert) are living in Florence for 4 months so Ange and I went straight there for some family TLC, a place we called home for about 2.5 weeks! The ... Read more >

Tags: Food & eating

Gallery: St Malo

FRANCE | Wednesday, 31 Oct 2007 | Photo Gallery

See all 7 photos >>

Gallery: Loire Valley

FRANCE | Wednesday, 31 Oct 2007 | Photo Gallery

See all 5 photos >>

Loire Valley

FRANCE | Wednesday, 31 Oct 2007 | Views [674]

So the travelling duo packed up and left the old fortress of St Malo and headed for chateaux country in the Loire Valley. We made it into the city of Blois where we had booked a hotel for a couple of nights... the traffic and steep streets were rather ... Read more >

Tags: Sightseeing

Ange in London and A'dam

NETHERLANDS | Friday, 5 Oct 2007 | Views [595] | Comments [5]

an update... it has been some time since i last wrote so i'll attempt to bring you up to speed although it's slow going on this "intuitive" french keyboard... i believe we last left you in ireland, after which we travelled to london and ... Read more >

Tags: Sightseeing


FRANCE | Friday, 5 Oct 2007 | Views [560] | Comments [1]

Marts finally finished all of her conferences and lab visits and we met up again in Paris, very ready to begin our holiday together! Paris was amazing! We stayed with Alli and Daz which was fantastic! They've got a great apartment in a fun part of town, ... Read more >

Tags: On the Road

Post Doc Touring

FRANCE | Friday, 5 Oct 2007 | Views [576] | Comments [3]

Well it's been awhile since our last blog entry as things have been moving very fast here! We arrived in London on the 13/9 just in time for Marts to attend the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene Centenary Conference. The conference went for ... Read more >

Tags: Work

The Emerald Isle

IRELAND | Monday, 10 Sep 2007 | Views [470] | Comments [2]

After 48 hours in transit and very little sleep, we finally made it to Ireland! Thankfully, Ange's parents were waiting to greet us when we arrived in Belfast, at the ready to look after the poor weary travellers. After a good nights sleep we set off ... Read more >

Tags: On the Road

Bon voyage!

AUSTRALIA | Sunday, 26 Aug 2007 | Views [330] | Comments [1]

We're about to embark on our world travelling adventure! Watch this space for travel tales, photos and destinations.

Tags: Adventures

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