I keep thinking today is wednesday. It's not. It's tuesday.
And I just remebered that I'm now a blogger.
The past days have just been spent thinking about, changing, adding, rehearsing, improving, stressing about and falling apart over our Business Economy presentation.
We did it yesterday and it went very well. Surprisingly well considering that we were the last group to go and had to spend the first six hours just waiting our turn. People appeared to laugh, or at least I think they did I was too focused on my lines to notice, but the best part that I was just way too tired and a bit sick to freak out about it the way that I normally would have. Good for me : )
Our Marketing exam for today got prosponed until friday, thank god, so today is actually my first day off in weeks! Hallelujah! Of course I still have to study and I just got back from picking up my mum at the airport, but still. I'm not sure what to do with all this spare time, I guess that's why I'm sitting here. : )
Can't wait to get out of this country though. It's getting on my nerves. One week and six days to go.