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My Scholarship entry - A 'place' I have visited

Australia | Saturday, June 29, 2013 | 5 photos

My name is Mariya, I’m from Ukraine and I love life! For me it’s all about breathtaking moments: it can be something really scarying like skydiving or catching huge wave or just simple emotional things like viewing unbelievably beautiful sunrise or seeing your mom’s tearful happy eyes after long journey. That’s all things that make your life. And camera is just irreplaceable devise to capture these moments. I’m an amateur photographer, my pictures might seem unprofessional, but the most important thing for me is the feelings that they can arouse when people watch them. I take pictures of what I admire: natural beauty and humans’ emotions. My aim is to improve the skill of taking photos that reflect vivid pictures, so when people watch them they can feel themselves inside the scenery, can even smell or hear what is going on in picture.
My last trip was along East Coast of Australia in a van with my best mates – camera and surfboard. I had a stunning opportunity to capture amazing landscapes of a beautiful country with my camera and surf in some of the best spots in the world. I had my best time ever there! These are the pictures from that trip and I want to share them with you.

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