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Travel Photography Scholarship 2012 Application

‘The place I have visited’ is the residence for elder people where my father has lived for two months. It is not an exciting place, but it is close to my heart and I thought I should do something that touches me from inside.
A few months ago he suffered a severe stroke that affected his mobility, and above everything, the way he interacts with the world. Now he can neither speak nor understand us, and in fact I don’t think he can even recognise us. In this picture, my brother is pulling his wheelchair to get him closer, as my father is asking for some cookies, like a kid would do.

SPAIN | Monday, 14 January 2013 | Views [1042] | View Smaller Image

‘The place I have visited’ is the residence for elder people where my father has lived for two months. It is not an exciting place, but it is close to my heart and I thought I should do something that touches me from inside. A few months ago he suffered a severe stroke that affected his mobility, and above everything, the way he interacts with the world. Now he can neither speak nor understand us, and in fact I don’t think he can even recognise us. In this picture, my brother is pulling his wheelchair to get him closer, as my father is asking for some cookies, like a kid would do.

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