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Untouchable music

Untouchable music

Nepal | Tuesday, January 8, 2013 | 5 photos

When I was 24 years old I quit my studies and a career in accounting to follow my passion,photography.In 2009 I graduated from Leica Academy.Since then I have been practicing photography,sometimes for a living but mostly for myself.
Unlike other forms of art and narration,I believe that photography involves a unique form of interaction and direct contact with the subject.The possibility to narrate stories in such a way is what attracts me to it.
In March 2012 I felt that it was time for a new adventure.I took my camera and wandered around Turkey,Pakistan,Nepal and India for 9 months.During my travels I met interesting people,who shared their stories with me.Even though I was challenged a lot,my journey reinforced my passion and helped me improve as a photographer.
I believe that this competition provides a unique opportunity to improve even more and prove that I have what it takes to take it to the next level.I am young enough to have enthusiasm and mature enough to be aware of and committed to follow my passion:to travel through photography,to see the world through my own eyes and describe it to others.My ambition is to one day be able to make pictures that are worth 1000 words.

About manos_fikaris

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