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Chal Basanti Chal! My extended holiday around the world

Songkran (thai new year) festival, Chang Mai

THAILAND | Tuesday, 14 April 2009 | Views [413]

The thais certainly know how to see the new year in. Chang mai is apparently THE place to be for what is basically a big massive street waterfight lasting 3/4 days.  A lot of people come up fromm Bangkok as thais go back to their parents homes to celebrate with their families.I had just left my guesthouse and walked no more than  a few yards before i got drenched by an 8 year old and his water pistol. As I made my way along the main street in chang mai, i had buckets of water poured down my back, water hoses pointed at me and 1000's of friendly thai smiles as they forgot the trouble in Bangkok. The streets were packed with people, food stalls, markets and very happy children, parents and tourists. A ban on alcohol was apparently lift this year after 1500 people died during the Songkran festival last year (due to drink driving and speeding mostly) - however due to the trouble in Bangkok earlier in the year and the general decline in tourism to Thailand after the tsunami, i understand the Thai government lifted the ban for fear of putting off tourists!! I have to admit i was a little scared as we drove from the elephant park into chang mai as the car was just getting splattered and at one point a group of people got  us with a fire hose! thankfully we were ok. I've now left Thailand at the height of its celebration as i have a flight booked to Medan, Sumatra and also because of the political instability which is a shame but this is one party to come back for!

Unfortunately i couldnt help but think that some of my male mates (male and female) would have loved the festival too - but more for the wet T shirt competetion alas!

At KL airport at the mo. Due to fly to medan, sumatra in an hour or so.

bye for now.x



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