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Chal Basanti Chal! My extended holiday around the world

Why didnt anyone tell me about the jelly fish in Krabi!!!

UNITED KINGDOM | Sunday, 8 February 2009 | Views [329]

Yuk. Other than the harmless jellyfish in the beatiful warm grean sea i had a magical time on Krabi Island. Didnt really do much other than chill out on the beach and by the poolside reading but i had a few wonderful days there i wont forget for a long time. I had the best bananna fritters with chocolate icecream in the world and with Custard- yum yum. The weather was probably 35 degrees plus i am guessing and the island itself was nice and relaxed. i was on the east side which didnt have a great beach but after a 5 minute walk to the west side there is a beautiful sandy beach ....except for the jelly fish.

they were just grim and slimy and i am sure there were millions of them. I felt like something out of War of the Worlds  (actually i think that was perhaps a song!!) or is it Day of the Triffods(?) but with fish!!!. I am sure i have blown it out of proportion and i do jest but little time i was in the sea was spent avoiding them...not that i am one to complain ....i guess thats being at one with nature!.....give me the pool any day of the week.

Now begins the search for a jellyfish free beach!

That said i am in Bangkok again at the moment on a bit of a downer (there are bound to be some days) on my jack jones. Am waiting till the Indian Embassy opens Monday so that i can sort out a visa for India as i have booked a flight to out there on 22nd Feb to meet mum and my bro who are on holiday there themselves for 3 weeks (cant wait). i will be out there for short of 5 weeks and give i have been 3 times before i have decided to narrow my travel to the northwestern part of india - varanassi and rajastan i think.

Until i can get the visa sorted i am stuck in bangkok until the 23rd. I do like Bangkok but its not the sort of place i would choose to stay for more than a few days.

i hope to get some pictures up soon.

Lastly thank goodness for the BBC and Wi Fi. Thankfully i have managed to watch hightlights of the 6 nations - makes me less homesick. Bring the Crown back England!! (although they'll need to be a bit more convincing moving foward than the were against Italy!)

Well thats it for now




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