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Chal Basanti Chal! My extended holiday around the world

Constipated in China

UNITED KINGDOM | Friday, 31 October 2008 | Views [315]

Trust me - you dont even want to go there! If you get a western loo you are lucky. If you get a chinese loo then well you're not that hard up. If you get a communal "sewer pipe" then welcome to my world (it literally is just an open pipe and not even a squat loo). Not only do you get people queing up in front of you watching you take your time but if you are in the cubical which has the sewer pipe running deeper than other cubicals then you have the joy of watching other peoples business running through your legs as you try not to make eye contact with the woman who is impatiently waiting for her turn. All the while you try and shift your weight from one leg to another as the pins and needles set in within about 2 minutes of sitting down and try and avoid toppling backwards! Hilarious! Sorry if this is a bit graphic but I did think it was worth a mention and I am sure you all have suffered from a blockage yourselves! Pipe or no pipe - its still better than the Pig Sty we had to go to in Datong (I kid you not!)

Off to Hong kong tonight. Hoping to buy a mini lap top when there with a spell checker!.x



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