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Away We Go About my life living and working in Istanbul.


TURKEY | Thursday, 28 January 2010 | Views [346] | Comments [1]

I arrived in Istanbul in a snow storm. The airport was almost shutdown but I made it in after a 3 hour delay in Frankfurt. It is completely different since the last time I was here. Before I was a 20 year old kid who had just finished a year in University in England, and embarking on my first big multi month trip through the Mediterranean. Now I am 25 years old, working for an international non-profit website, and have traveled a fair amount in the past few years. Last time I arrived in May when it was starting to get hot, now it is the coldest time of year with a somewhat unusual amount of snow on the ground. But it is as magical a place as it was last time.

Now I live in a 6 bedroom apartment with 10 other people, all of whom work for CouchSurfing. We have an amazing apartment that over looks the Asian side of Istanbul, the Bosporus River and the Bosporus Bridge. From my desk and my bed you can see ferries crossing back and forth, and cargo ships heading to sea. We have a sun porch that has the best view of this with a couch and a heat lamp, both mornings that I have been here I have sat and drank tea in the morning and watch new city begin the day. It hasn't snowed since my first night but the snow has managed to stick to the roof tops still. Every morning so far I have been woken up by the call to prayer, I like in some ways, the reminder of other peoples commitment to religion. While I am not a part of it, I still find it fascinating.



My arrival in Istanbul.

  mandyhix Jan 28, 2010 1:20 AM

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