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About mamabear

End of a beautiful day

End of a beautiful day

Brandi Phillips


Ramblings of an Artist



It was a dark and snowy night when I came into this world, the power turned off suddenly and my father and aunt used a flash light to deliver me on my grandparents farm. I was born in Southern Oregon but moved to Costa Rica soon after. As a young girl I explored the secluded beaches, dense jungles and interesting local people on the Caribbean coast, until I was up rooted back to the United States where I have been since. I lived in Alaska, California, Texas, Oregon, Nevada, Colorado and currently residing in Virginia. I have two beautiful boys, Archie age 11 and Aldyr age 3. They are well traveled and have been introduced to art and photography at a very young age. They have a thirst for knowledge and adventure like their mother.


I have always had a infatuation with the ability to capture a moment in time that would slowly fade away if we never had proof of it’s existence. A candid shot of real emotions or a chance encounter in nature. I’m always trying new techniques and ideas through my photographic documentation of my life and my family, the places I go and the things that my eyes find appealing. When I snap a photo of my life and what I find beautiful it is sharing a moment with others so that they might see my perception of reality. Black & white photography was my first love but I have always shot digital images with my reliable old Nikon D50 that I have had for over 10 years.


Life is an journey and everywhere I go I try to experience it to the fullest. I love hiking to the top of a snow covered ridge, plunging into deep powder snow with my board and gliding across freshly fallen flakes. I enjoy hiking new terrain or driving around a bend to see new colors fill the sky like a painting. Expressing myself through art is my life. I just graduated from Hollins University where I earned a Bachelor of Arts. I concentrated on ceramics, but learned many other mediums including photography. I plan on earning a Masters in Fine Arts in my future but for now I want to form beautiful vases out of clay, practice the guitar, sing, dance, paint, snowboard, practice yoga, travel and improve my photography skills. 


One day I hope to help build self-sustaining communities through out the U.S. and Costa Rica. I believe it’s important for people to learn to live more simply, make their own energy and grow their own healthy food. National Geographic shows us how other cultures do live without all the amenities and technology that we must have to be comfortable. I find the anthropological aspect of photography very interesting. To travel to a far away land and study other cultures while making a human connection with these people is amazing. These so called un-civilized cultures do not make such a large foot print on the earth yet they are able to survive. I believe we must all work toward change to protect the diversity of our earth. Documentation of other cultures that are becoming extinct is important to share with others. Many indigenous tribes don’t have power over others or monetary value which is what runs our world at this time. Monoculture of people and plants will be detrimental to our world. Diversity of culture and plants must be sustained to ensure our survival. Many industrialized nations believe that by introducing technology and cheaper goods that they are improving the lives of these diverse cultures but they are really creating dependency and decreasing the ability to be self-sustaining. 


As an artist I don’t expect to be rich but I know that my future will be full of richness of spirit. I want to teach others how to create and use their gifts to the fullest. I’m always seeking wisdom and knowledge through out my life. It would be an honor to to learn from such an experienced photographer. To travel to a distant land and see different animals, people and environments that these eyes have never seen would be a once in a life time opportunity. Taking chances and opportunities can open doors to the future I have manifested for myself and I give these hands to the universe to help shape our world. 


About mamabear

End of a beautiful day

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