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Documetary Road Movie Documentary Road Movie which takes us through basic human issue - balancing on the edge of (un)certainty.

Stage 0: Indiegogo campaign

SLOVAKIA | Thursday, 14 February 2013 | Views [352]


Hello, my name is Andrew and I am planning to make a documentary road movie about attitudes to a difficult situations which brings us to the edge of ordinary life.

Actual Situation:

I am living in Slovakia and in a past few years this country was facing a massive socio-eocnomical problem known as an unemployment. I am sure that many other countries were put in the similar situation because of decreasing of their domestic production. Declining sales and export caused that multinational companies and small enterpreneurs which offer job for the most of people in this country started to downsize. Every year 20 000 absolvents from university are joining to a huge pool (cca 400 000 = 14%) of people registrated on a Labour Office. And that only makes the situation worse!

Changing attitude:

What seems to be a problem at first look, can also be a blessing in hindsight. We cannot change a global problem, but we can change our attitude to a fact we are facing. Story which have started to operate in a mind of young absolvent who has been unsuccessfully trying to find a job is something that create a routine of deadlock. Worries, no future and uncertainty of daily living are more closer than anytime before.

What is important in such a situation is to have a clear head which is capable of pure looking. Divide the fact from a catastrofic scenario which our mind is producing and learn to look by a fresh eyes. We have to realize that „the past“ is what hold us in unsolvable point and which creates „such a mess“ in our lives.

This confusion is something very elementary and it was here always „in my live“. Even when I have thinked "I am fine". I havent been able to recognized it because I have lived in certain ideas and pictures of my future self. But the fact that I do not have a certain picture of me anymore seems to be a problem. At first sure, but I have to ask why? Why there is this confusion in my live? What is the source of it?

Flip the coin:

Now I have the opportunity to mature. Not in a schol way or in an age way. Maturity in inner growth and depth. I have realized that I had no depth until I was confronting something real in my life. Real situation for me means „touching with ending“. Ending of picture, ending of future, ending of life. This ending brings a beginning. Beginning of something new and real.


The document we (I and my two friends) are going to make is about this „flipping the coin“. This movie will be about uncertainty of human life and about its beauty. We have to love this uncertainty because only than the true beauty flows out of our heart into our lives. Now I know that it is the only way of change, change which hit the hearts of others and which spread itselves without effort.

We are also facing the issue of unemployment and we are going to change that!

We are going to buy a travel car (smaller RV, mobile home) in which we travel across our country and climb to 10 selected (most interesting) peaks. During this tour we will visit towns/villages which are situated in the valleys of this peaks. We can find occasional work for ourselves and finance our daily living because of cheaper option of „such a housing“. It is a non-traditional way of working but todays situation point out that we can not expect something like „a certain job“. To be mobile seems to be a good solution which allows us to be flexible and which forces us to be adaptable and awake.

Schedule of Tour:


  • start in March 2013 (around15th)
  • duration: 4-5 months
  • expected end: July/August 2013


  1. Velky Krivan
  2. Babia hora
  3. Rysy, Lomnicky stit
  4. Mincol
  5. Kremenec
  6. Vihorlat
  7. Jeleni vrch, Brzotinske skaly
  8. Chopok, Dumbier
  9. Sitno
  10. Kukla, Vysoka, Velka Homola

(You can look map in the video above.)

These are original names therefore I am not going to translate them. Later, during a tour, when we will travel across them, I will mention their english equivalents and meanings.

Your Contribution:

Because we have a smaller budget and resource, we would really appreciate your help in financing this inquiry tour. For our purposes we will need a smaller (older, but drivable mobile home RV) and better camera than we have right now.

  • Travel car 4500 euro
  • Camera and equipment 1000 euro
  • Sum 5500 euro
  • plus 450 euro transaction fee)
  • Total Sum 5950 euro

Other cost, such as travelling, insurance and production is up to us.

We are really thankful to everyone who contributes to our project.

Your reward:

Of course your part in this tour will be rewarded.

  • for smaller contribution you will be added to a list of assitance in the book and at the end of movie
  • we will provide you outputs from this jorney online – movie and travel ebook
  • for more involvement we will also send you DVD and printed version of book (with signature of authors)
  • for huge grant we will also send you big poster from tour, wall calendar with picture of peaks and collection of wooden medal (10 – one for every climbing)
  • 4 biggest sponsors will be invited to a common cottage trip combined with hiking on selected peak (unforunatelly, travel cost to our country is up to you - we cannot afford that)


Meaning of this tour is to see how people in this country are facing previosly mentioned common dilema and point out at spreading issue of uncertainty.

This country also has a huge touristic potential and this is a way how to contribute to its growth and how to inform people about beauty and variety of local nature.

We also have a business idea how to communicate with passionate travelers from all over the world and this tour can helps us to better document this country and its options for tourism.

Ultimately, it could help us to reverse unfavorable increasing unemployment situation (in longterm) and later we could work on its improvement.

... and at least this tour is a challenge for us to break a habbit of comfortable living and start to feel a wind of uncertainty of wild living.

Other ways of help:

We would really appreciate any kind of help. Sharing this link or letting people know about us is enough.

Thanks everyone and I am looking forward to our next communication.

This is just a beginning!







Tags: documetary, hiking, movie, travel


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