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My Scholarship entry - A 'place' I have visited

Greece | Sunday, June 30, 2013 | 5 photos

I was born in 1987 outside of Athens, in a suburban area. As I was growing up, I pretty soon realized that I had an artistic nature, which in the beginning I started to explore through drawing. It took me several years before I pass to the wonderful world of photography, using an old SLR camera at first.
My participation in different voluntary programs around Europe and some trips I’ve made by myself, gave me the willingness to go deeper into the adventurous way of living and to find out more about other people’s way of thinking. My camera has been proved a good friend ever since and is one of my tools to achieve these goals. In the images I capture with it, I try not to confine myself into the visible aspects. I put effort instead to decrystallize and demonstrate the emotions behind the images, which finally gives me the never ending pleasure to discover the unexpected.
Travel photography is something that definitely interests me and this scholarship seems like a dream, as it would give me the opportunity to learn so many new things. Additionally, it would perhaps open new professional paths for me, since the situation in Greece is far from ideal, as you may know.

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