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The never ending journey

My Photo scholarship 2011 entry

Japan | Tuesday, November 8, 2011 | 5 photos

These photos represent a little part of my last days living in Japan last year, they show the night climbing and later breathtaking sunrise at the top of the Mount Fuji.

My name is Juan Agudo and I am a Spanish engineer specialized in marketing whose main reason to live is to travel to see and photograph more and more parts of this amazing world. My dream would be to be able to live out of takings pictures around the world, but for that I need so much to learn that I believe this opportunity you are offering here is once in a lifetime chance.

I have a very multicultural profile, I have lived and worked in more than 7 different countries thanks to my studies and scholarships, and I have visited more than 40 countries. Last year, when I finished my job in Japan, I travelled from Tokyo to Madrid by train, crossing China, Mongolia and Siberia by train, an incredible journey that took me 3 months to complete.

It has been very difficult to select 5 photographs, but I chose as a theme for this opportunity my last days at the rising sun empire.

Right now I work as a product manager in the Blue Coast of France in an IT product that we sell to basically most of the airlines in the world. I like this job in the sens that gives me the opportunity to visit the countries of all of these airlines and talk with people from all over the world.

My other passion on life are sports, I play soccer as much as I can and practice ski as much as the weather lets me do it. One of my favorite activities is to walk up the tallest mountains to take pictures like the ones I did in Japan. My next planned trip is to go to Tanzania and repeat the story at the Klimanjaro.

Thank you for offering this opportunity, if I have the incredible chance to be selected I won't definitely let you down!

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