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My Photo scholarship 2010 entry

United Kingdom | Thursday, October 14, 2010 | 3 photos

These pictures all define England, the place, in relation to the outsider. Not the one who is at home, but the one who has traveled to a new place. The other similarity is that there are 2 people in all the 3 pictures. However of note is the difference in the relationship these participants have with their surrounding.

The couple in St. Paul's Churchyard: Oblivious to all but the next destination.
The couple in the Victoria Tower gardens: Oblivious to all but each other.
Finally the two old ladies sitting on a bench and overlooking lake Windermere: Aware of everything and perhaps that of passing of time and life.
I think all 3 pictures poignantly describe a place and a traveler's connection to it. Hence I think I should be chosen for this scholarship.

I love traveling. The first thing that happens when I travel to a new place is a connection. Also there is a detachment because I as a tourist can view the scene in front of me perhaps with an independent perspective. I love taking pictures of people in different surroundings and their interactions with it.

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