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My Photo scholarship 2011 entry

Japan | Tuesday, November 8, 2011 | 4 photos

I am someone who is to many no one, but I can become anyone just like everyone.
I am a woman still looking for myself, living by following my heart and sometimes logic – taking every opportunity in life. I know there are limits but I do not intend to fear them and I have fears but I trust I can overcome them.

I will not say I am a photographer. I am a rookie. I am a happy person when taking photographs and these moments make me feel content and fill me up with excitement erupting when I manage to a take a good or an excellent picture. Hence, I want to take great pictures. I have no illusions, there is a long way in front of me but I want to take the first step and learn everything from scratch from professionals.
I cannot say I will become a professional, but I dare dreaming big and I know it will remain a passion for life. Why should I deny: it feels great when people like my photographs and I want to show everyone how beautiful and precious this planet is through the best possible pictures.

On the 12th of August, 2011, I was able to witness a beautiful sunrise on top of Mount Fuji. After a long night of climb we excitedly waited for the sunrise with hundreds of fellow climbers, however, the nature seemed not to cooperate with us. Thick clouds covered the view from time to time because of the very strong wind. It felt like a fight between Amaterasu (Shinto Goddess of the Sun) and Fuujin (Shinto God of the Wind). The crowd was patiently waiting who will win and I think the result is clear if I say: we got lucky!

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